

Seismic Earthquake Retrofit Solutions in Los Angeles

By |July 5th, 2021|Categories: Earthquake Seismic Retrofit|

We have all heard of seismic retrofit for the sole purpose of an earthquake, but what about for the more common natural disaster we face in the United States — flooding? After years of responding to hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, wildfires, and earthquakes, FEMA has determined that half of all flood damage comes from just 25% of buildings. An earthquake-prone city like Los Angeles requires some retrofit solutions so that the damage during natural disasters could be minimized. […]

What Are The Best Dental Clinic Renovation & Remodeling Practices?

By |June 17th, 2021|Categories: Dental Office Remodeling|

Remodeling or renovating dental office requires thought and consideration of both the clinical and administrative aspects of your business. When running a dental practice, you risk falling into a routine that can get boring after a few years. When the routine becomes comfortable, everyone on the team begins to make ends meet in their comfort zone. […]

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