Does my building require a structural audit? You might be concerned about it but don’t know where to start. Let’s help you.

Most buildings in Los Angeles are 80 to 90 years old, which might have reduced their actual strength over time due to rainfall, extreme weather conditions, earthquakes, or wear and tear. And, making continuous use of such deteriorated structures may endanger the lives of occupants and surrounding residents.

This is where I recommend executing an appropriate action, called structural audit, in regard to improving the health and performance of structures. Doing so will also restore the actual potency of the structures.

Performing building construction audits in existing buildings and implementing proper repair work time will automatically enhance the existence of the building. This will further also improve the safety of the occupants.

But, who will do the structural audit of a building?

In addition to structural designing, the other major duties and responsibilities of a building engineer are to inspect and supervise all structural aspects. This will ensure that everything is in compliance with the building code.

And, if the structural audit report of the building isn’t according to the standard building code of Los Angeles state, it’s time to hire a trusted construction company to perform a detailed audit that clearly outlines what needs to be done. Lux Construction Group is a well-established and trustworthy construction firm in Los Angeles, developing a detailed plan, audit, model, and construction of all sizes of buildings.

What else do you need to know?

In the post below, we’re going to mention in detail what structural audit is, why you need it, and what factors are involved in this. So, learn more in detail!

What is a Structural Audit of a Building?

Structural Audit of Building

Structural Audit is a technical inspection and examination of a building to determine its overall health, performance, and condition. The overall purpose of this audit is to ensure that the building and its occupants are safe and have no risk. An experienced and licensed structural consultant will do the audit, analyze the building, and suggest appropriate measures, such as retrofitting, repairs, renovations, and replacements.

In accordance with the Housing Code, the Los Angeles Housing Department (LAHD) must conduct regular periodic inspections of the residential rental units on your property.

In accordance with the new law, known as the California Health and Safety Code, homeowners need to inspect their buildings at least 15% of the load-bearing wood-framed exterior elements every 6 years.

Who Can Do Structural Audit?

A certified and experienced structural contractor carries out the building construction audits. A contractor with over 5 years of experience in the relevant field, including design and construction supervision, can do the inspection. Well, structural inspection is a law, approved by the government. So, being a Los Angeles resident, it’s necessary to understand the importance of occupant safety and security.

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We, at Lux Construction Group, have highly qualified healthcare contractors, taking care of repairs and maintenance related to retrofitting and others. We understand that building condition audits are essential and implement appropriate measures that are missed by an untrained eye. Our information on building construction audit checklists will help clients in making informed decisions regarding their structures.

Is Structural Audit Mandatory?

Yes, a structural audit is necessary and also the first and foremost step while deciding on repairs, redevelopments, and replacements. This structural survey is required for both the buildings and the adjacent structures.

For buildings that are 30 years old or older, the municipal corporation requires that a building construction audit is performed. This will prevent the dilapidated buildings from falling further into disrepair. In a structural audit, a consultant identifies and investigates all critical areas as well as recommends preventative measures. Furthermore, it offers cost-effective solutions and an appropriate maintenance program for building structures. It is based on a variety of parameters, including visual examination, non-destructive testing, core sampling, and testing. After a structural audit, the report also recommends different repairs and retrofitting measures that should be taken.

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Why is Structural Auditing Necessary?

A structural audit plays a significant role to guarantee the safety of structures. Executing this inspection periodically will prevent damages, enhance the life cycle of buildings, and save human life.

With the passage of time, the structures start deteriorating, which asks for necessary modifications in the structures. The components of structures need to be periodically examined to prolong the life of buildings. Structural contractors also carefully identify crucial repairs, unexpected leakages, and breakages, and suggest corrective measures. So, the residents don’t feel inconvenienced in their day-to-day life. Henceforth, a building construction audit is your best bet to avert any disasters.

A structural audit is your best bet for preventing any disasters that may occur from the builder cutting corners and leaving areas prone to collapse or faster dilapidation. Buildings with relatively sound structural integrity can still suffer damage or leaks from defective materials used during previous repairs or renovations. Where the stakeholders fail to maintain the property, it may result in the need to undertake an extensive redevelopment project, which would cost the residents exorbitant amounts. Therefore, building construction audits are a highly recommended preventive measure to avoid any catastrophic occurrences.

Purpose of Structural Audit

    • Understanding the current condition of the buildings.
    • Recognizing the critical areas of the buildings and rectifying them.
    • Protecting human life and buildings.
    • Proposing necessary repairs and modifications.
    • Improving the longevity and efficiency of Buildings.
    • Helping to prevent sudden failures.
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Why is it Necessary to Conduct Structural Auditing for Buildings?

Necessary to Conduct a Structural Auditing for Buildings

There is no doubt to say that buildings collapse during monsoons, natural disasters, and other unforeseen circumstances. Buildings that are 20 to 30 years old often lose their integrity according to modern standards. And, when repairs are not done carefully, human lives can be lost as well as property. You can avoid such mishaps only by conducting your structural audit carefully and applying remedial measures immediately.

In such situations, hiring a reliable and trustworthy building construction audit or construction agency will make a huge difference. However, before concluding, make sure the agency has a good connection with customers. They may promise to provide affordable services, but end up misidentifying or overlooking the most critical repairs. On the other hand, some may overcharge or try to steal your money in different ways. Despite this, other unqualified auditors won’t complete their task and leave your building open to damage, which further harms your structure in the long run.

Therefore, being a responsible citizen of Los Angeles, staying informed and attentive from the beginning to the end of a structural audit is the most proactive approach. You should compare the list of services offered by each provider and select the one that best meets your needs.

So, consider engaging the services of a certified, accredited audit company with a proven track record, for example, Lux Construction Group. Don’t be afraid to consult our expert online or in person.

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What Steps Are Involved in Health Checkups?

Now, you might be concerned about the different stages of the structural audit.

To begin with, the foremost step is to hire a well-established structural consultant or agency. Basically, general body approval is required for the estimated repair or preventive action. As soon as an agency is appointed, the society’s committee must provide all pertinent details, plans, and designs, including information on any prior restoration and maintenance. The followings are the phases and checklist of a building construction audit.

  • Collect General Data of the Buildings

An auditor will first study the architectural and structural drawings, design calculations, and structural stability certificate of existing structures. These professionals collect all the general data of the building, including the exposure conditions. In case, if the architectural plans and structural plans aren’t available, an engineer will help in preparing that.

  • Visual Inspection

In the second step, an auditor will do a visual inspection, identifying the defects, material degradation, and deformation of any sections or interior components. In case, if modifications, alterations, additions, or replacements are required, these experts will measure all such factors in this stage.

In addition, they’ll examine all the elements, including columns, beams, slabs, balconies, false ceilings, roofs, parapets, railings, rooms, bathrooms, kitchens, lofts, mezzanine floors, stairways, water tanks, storage, plumbing lines, drainage lines. Such inspections are essential to detect cracks/deflections in retaining walls, dampness in the walls, leakage, and concrete stability. Even the soil bearing capacity is also measured.

  • Non-Destructive Testing

In the previous section, we have described that an auditor will determine the structural integrity of buildings. However, in addition to that, it’s also necessary to check the strength and durability of concrete for defining its durability, lifespan, and safeness. This is where non-destructive testing (NDT) plays a significant role. In this stage, an auditor identifies the corrosion assessment, chemical attack resistance, and concrete strength, among other things.

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For checking your building’s concrete stability, some of the common methods are used in NDT, Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Test, Rebound Hammer Test, Core Testing, Chemical Test, Half-Cell Potential Test, Water Permeability Test, Earthquake Resistance, and Fire Readiness. Such types of tests are essential for determining the damage to structures subjected to corrosion, chemical attack, fire attack, etc.

  • Analysis Audit Report

A structural auditor presents the complete analysis building construction audit report to society. It entails the following things in detail:

    • Based on the evaluation of deterioration, breakage, and defective materials, recommends repairs.
    • Renovating and retrofitting damaged components to restore them to the desired standards.
    • Building components will be strengthened in order to increase the building’s load-bearing capacity and resistance to collapse.

Despite this, a consultant includes estimated costs for labor, materials, equipment, and services as well. Furthermore, they also offer expertise on preventative maintenance and other cost-effective measures to slow down future deterioration.

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Hire a Qualified and Experienced Structural Audit Consultant

It’s time to hire a well-professional and experienced structural consultant for your building. However, where to choose?

Lux Construction Group is a construction agency in Los Angeles, that helps in project planning, pre-construction services, architecture, and design, plus others. We offer our services for buildings, soft-story buildings, seismic retrofit structures, etc. We use an appropriate methodology for building repair solutions, building structural components, repairing solutions like columns, beams, slabs, and waterproofing with appropriate materials.

Still, have any queries or questions? Why wait, just call us at (424) 248-5090 and we’ll come to you for your answers.

Schedule A Consultation With Lux Construction Group!

In Los Angeles, there are a number of old buildings that have already completed their lifespan without any maintenance. Therefore, it’s necessary to follow the building construction audit rule to ensure the safety of occupants. And, keeping yourself aware of appropriate measures, you’ll work to correct them before something goes wrong or other expensive damages.

With our experienced team at the wheel, we carefully examine from top to bottom, determine its condition, and prepare a building construction audit report to improve things. Need more information regarding the structural audit, schedule a consultation with us today.